Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Woo...I need a vacation

Hello all my furr kid guardians, how is the week treating you so far? At least the weather has turned around...I actually had to sleep with a sheet on last night! I can tell you that our cats are much happier, although Blackjack has been a bad boy today...he has an obsession with chewing on anything and everything and today his "prey" was one of my houseplants, (you know the one with teeth marks all over the leaves) some ribbon in our closet and last but not least my hands free charger cable! I told him he would be crispy Blackjack if he continued to do that, but I don't think he cares. Well, I since moved it to a place where hopefully he wont find it, although he can be very clever when he wants.

I started to visit Sidney again this week after a nearly 2 month break. His furr guardian hurt his back and had some time off to rest, so Sidney got all sorts of attention. Well, I missed this little guy, and his quirky personality. He is such a funny Guy, and really does have a quirky personality...for example, when he's waiting for a cookie he exhales out of his nose really hard making an almost sneeze like sound. If that doesn't get your attention, he will start "tap dancing" around on the hard wood floors until you look at him...then when he realizes he's going to get one he stands on his back legs and trembles until the tasty morsel is on the ground. I'm not exactly sure what type of breed he is, but I would say he is a Pomeranian mix of some kind, and not to toot my own horn, but he sure adores me! :o)

Nanny Elaine will be finishing up her nearly 0ne month stay at Oscar, the blind Beagles house. I asked her last night if she was sad and she wrote back that she's going to be heartbroken on that last day, and how much she adored Oscar. That's a hard part about being a "Nanny" it's when long assignments end, or if one of our furr kids move away, and of course the worse part is when one of our beloved furr kids passes away. And you know...it's not just rough on us! I used to do weekly walks with a wonderful Boxer named Jackson, and I guess I was his loyal pet nanny for well over a year. Well, one day his guardian said that they would be moving to Oakland at the end of the month and my heart nearly fell out of my chest. On my last day with Jackson I couldn't stop sobbing...and keep in mind that our furr kid clients never see us cry...we're always happy. Well, Jackson became increasingly more concerned about me, and started to lick my leg as we walked. By the time our walk was over I was a mess, and as I closed the door for the last time, he just stood there and watched me with this sad look on his face, as if he were going to burst out crying too. The next day I ran into his guardians, and they told me that Jackson had been up half the night throwing up, and that he was very upset. Of course I felt horrible that my Guy had been so sick, but it also really touched my heart that my Guy was that concerned about me. We have lots of stories like that, and I'm sure you will "hear" more as this blog goes on.

Things are starting to pick up around here, and WOO looking at my calendar it doesn't look like I'll have a day off for some time! Remember my furr guardians to book in advance if you need an overnight visit, and especially around the holidays! Until next time, give your furr kids a big smooch from their loyal pet sitter, and I will talk to you soon!

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