Tuesday, September 15, 2009

It's time to do some BARK IN THE PARK!

Hello all my furr guardians, and happy September to you all. I hope everyone had a relaxing and fun Labor Day, and surviving this strange weather!

As you can tell by the title of this blog...this Saturday, September 19th is the awesome and always fun San Jose Bark in the Park! I know I have mentioned it in past entries, but even if you're not a canine furr kid guardian you should make it a point to try to make it to this event. Not only is it the largest dog festival in the United States, it's just a big old furr kid love fest. And trust me, there are some fun things for you kitty furr parents to see too and even our friends 13th Street Cat Rescue will be there! I will have an awesome raffle prize up for grabs which will include some free pet sitting visits + tons of fun toys for both your feline and canine furr kids. We will have a booth located close to the pet first aid booth, (our booth number is B9) for those of you who visited us last year we're in the same spot. Please bring your furr kids over to say hi to us!

Saturday, September 19th, 10:00am to 5:00pm
Williams Street Park, (at Williams and S. 16th Street).

DNA for Doggy!
One of my furr guardians told me that she invested in a doggy DNA kit to finally put the mystery of her furr kid's breed background to rest. She found out quite a lot about her furr kid, and found the whole process very cool. If you would like a DNA test run on your Heinz 57 furr kid you can visit http://www.fetchdog.com/item/A40041 If any of you do this, please let me know what you turn up...technology is coooooooool.

Old Dog Paws,
So, as you know I'm always looking for interesting pet related items to blog about and with the average human age extending far past what it was a decade ago it only makes sense that our furr kids life spans are extended as well. I came across http://www.olddogpaws.com/ which specializes in the "care and comfort of old friends". It's actually a very interesting site which contains articles about aging doggy issues, alternative medication and treatments, as well as a store that offers items that may make your old pal a bit more comfortable. I myself was on the site for well over an hour and haven't seen everything yet. Yeah for our old furr kid friends!

Dog Chefs of America!
So, check this out! There is a site called Dog Chefs of America http://www.dogchefs.com/ and it is a site dedicated to learning how to cook for your furr kid! Here is their statement from their homepage:

"Dog Chefs of America is a unique '50s diner style working kitchen that doubles as a classroom. This whimsical environment doubles as a TV set backdrop as well as a location for film and educational CD/DVD production. We are not a "cutesy" doggie bakery! Master Dog Chef Micki Voisard creates daily prepared meals of real food for dogs, and teaches future dog chefs how they can improve their dog's health through implementation of a real food diet. Sharing this novel space is the "Oh My Dog!" Fine Art Gallery that reflects all things canine. Fabulous steel sculptures, vibrantly colored paintings, and ceramic critters are all designed to make you smile!"

Now, don't get too excited about visiting this cool place...unless you're in Arizona, but they do have workshops that travel around and a great store where you can buy doggy food recipe books! So funny!

House Cat, House Calls,
So, I recently found out that there is a kitty version of the Dog Whisperer!!! I had NO idea, but they are about to enter into their 3rd season! How did this slip under my radar!?!?!?!?!?! The show is sponsored by Purina Cat Chow, and is on Animal Planet Saturdays at 10:30am and Sundays at 8:00am, (EST). This is what the show is about:

"Each week, Dr. Katrina visits cat loving families and, with the help of the Housecat Housecall Mentors, Dr. Karen Sueda and Dr. Rich Goldstein, she'll try to make some sense out of a wide range of feline puzzlers. Whether it's just a quirky behavior or something more complex, Dr. Katrina and hr team work out real solutions that help bring peace, harmony, and well-being back to the homes of cats and owners"

Let's see...I think I know a few kitties who might qualify for this...Blackjack being one of them. Check out the site and watch some of the funny videos. http://www.housecathousecall.com/

You know, I often talk about Blackjack...well, he is after all the mascot of the business, but I started to feel a bit guilty that I don't mention our other kitty Corn. So, I put together this "Corn Montage" so you can get a feeling for our other furr kid. The first part of the video is something that cracks me up no matter how many times I see it. Corn sleeps SO deep that we can lift his head, arms, legs, tail etc and he doesn't wake up!!!! I've tried this on Blackjack, but he must be a light sleeper because it's only worked on him once or twice. The second part of the video is how Corn actually likes to bundle up under "his" blanket...yes, he does this himself. He's quite the interesting kitty character and I hope you enjoy.

Well, I guess that's all for now. I hope to see many of you this Saturday...it's really the only time we get to see each other!

Give all your furr kids a big hug and kiss for us, and thank you again for being a part of the SVPN family!

(Oh...remember to book early for the Holidays!)